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  1. To eligible to compete in this competition must be a varsity student proven with the student ID card.

  2. Each university can only send a maximum of 3 persons in Speech Competition.



  1. Maximum capacity of Speech Field is 30 participants.

  2. Participants must create a speech based on the theme given by the committee for his/her speech for the preliminary round.

  1. The contest will be run in three rounds.

  2. All of participants must be at the competition venue 15 minutes before the competition start.



  1. The judging of speech will be based on:

  • Content and words: 20%

  • Vocals: 30%

  • Body Language: 50%




  1. The committee will give each contestant the contestant number at the Technical Meeting.

  2. The committee will call upon each contestant to come to the stage to deliver the speech. Starting from contestant number one.

  3. Contestants must prepare their own speech for five minutes (maximum), which must be substantially original.

  4. Every participant is not allowed to bring the script or notes to the stage.

  5. The themes for the prepared speech is:

“Should we explore the world?”

  1. The top 15 contestants will be selected to compete in the Semi-final Round and the top 5 contestants will be selected to compete in the Final Round.

  2. Speeches will be five minutes (maximum). A participant will get minus points that will be added to the total point achieved if the speech is more than 5 minutes.

  3. Upon being introduced, the contestant shall proceed immediately to the speaking position. Timing will begin with the contestants’ first defined verbal or non-verbal communication audience.

  4. Timer shall provide warning signals to the contestants, which shall be clearly visible to the speakers.

  • A green paper will be displayed at the beginning.

  • A yellow paper will be displayed at the third minutes.

  • A red paper will be displayed at the fifth minutes.



  1. The committee will give the semi-finalist number.

  2. The top 15 semi-finalists will give a Humorous Speech by telling their experience or other things that can bring laughter to audiences.

  3. The semi-finalists are free to choose the themes.

  4. The semi-finalists will be given the time up to 15 minutes to prepare their speeches (not a monologue).

  5. Every semi-finalist is allowed to bring a note (will be given by the committee).

  6. Speeches will be seven minutes. A participant will get minus points that will be added to the total point achieved if the speech is more than 7 minutes.

  7. Timer shall provide warning signals to the contestants, which shall be early visible to the speakers.

    • A green paper will be displayed at the beginning.

    • A yellow paper will be displayed at the third minutes.

    • A red paper will be displayed at the fifth minutes



  1. The committee will give each finalist the finalist number.

  2. The top five finalists will give a five to seven minutes speech while theme or subject will be given at the final round day.

  3. The finalist will be given the time up to 30 minutes to prepare their speeches and the speeches should be inspiring and motivating.

  4. Speeches will be five to seven minutes. A participant will get minus points that will be added to the total point achieved if the speech is less than five minutes or more than seven minutes.

  5. Timer shall provide warning signals to the contestants, which shall be early visible to the speakers.

    • A green flag will be displayed at the beginning.

    • A yellow flag will be displayed at the five minutes.

    • A red flag will be displayed at the seven minutes.


Registration Fee

Rp 300.000 / Participant

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